What is API American Petroleum Institute?
API represents all segments of America’s oil and natural gas industry. Its nearly 600 members produce, process and distribute most of the nation’s energy. The industry supports millions of U.S. jobs and is backed by a growing grassroots movement of millions of Americans. API was formed in 1919 as a standards-setting organization. In our first 100 years, API has developed more than 700 standards to enhance operational and environmental safety, efficiency and sustainability.
What is API Standard?
American Petroleum Institute (API) standards advocate proven, sound engineering and operating practices and safe, interchangeable equipment and materials from drill bits to environmental protection. Included are manuals, standards, specifications, recommended practices, bulletins, guidelines and technical reports.
What is API Certified?
API certified inspectors and personnel are recognized worldwide as professionals who are fully knowledgeable of the relevant industry inspection codes and standards, and who are capable of performing their jobs in accordance with the latest and most acceptable industry inspection practices.
Valve Standards Defined by the American Petroleum Institute (API)
Specification for Pipeline Valves, API Specification 6D is an adoption of ISO 14313: 1999, Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries-Pipeline Transportation Systems-Pipeline Valves. This International Standard specifies requirements and gives recommendations for the design, manufacturing, testing and documentation of ball valves, check valves, gate valves and plug valves for application in pipeline systems.

API 600
Bolted Bonnet Steel Gate Valves for Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries – Modified National Adoption of ISO 10434:1998.

API 602
Compact Steel Gate Valves – Flanged, Threaded, Welded, and Extended-Body Ends. The standard covers threaded end, socket-welded end, butt-welded end, and flanged end compact carbon steel gate valves in sizes of NPS4 and the smaller.
API 609
Butterfly Valves: Double Flanged, Lug Type and Wafer Type. The standard covers design, materials, face-to-face dimensions, pressure and temperature ratings, and examination, inspection, and test requirements for gray iron, ductile iron, bronze, steel, nickel-base alloy, or special alloy butterfly valves that provide tight shutoff in the closed position and are suitable for flow regulation.
API 594
Check Valves: Flanged, Lug, Wafer Type and Butt-welded. API Standard 594 covers design, material, face-to-face dimensions, pressure and temperature ratings, and examination, inspection, and test requirements for two types of check valves.
API 598
For Valve Inspection and Testing, the standard covers inspection, supplementary examination, and pressure test requirements for both resilient seated and metal-to-metal seated gate valves, globe valves, plug valves, ball valves, check valves, and butterfly valves, pertaining to inspection by the purchaser and to any supplementary examinations the purchaser may require at the valve manufacturer’s plant.
API 607
Fire Test for Soft-Seated Quarter Turn Valves, the standard covers the requirements for testing and evaluating the performance of straightway, soft seated quarter-turn valves when the valves are exposed to certain fire conditions defined in this standard. The procedures described in this standard are applied to all classes and sizes of such valves that are made of materials listed in ASME B16.34.

Specification for Fire Test for Valves, the standard covers the requirements for testing and evaluating the performance of API Spec 6A and Spec 6D valves when they are exposed to specifically defined fire conditions.

ZECO Valve is a API certified Valve Manufacturer, approved by API 6D, API 600, API 607 & API 6FA. If any inquiries, please contact us.
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